Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Materials Needed:

2- 1" x 2" x 8' wood (Lowe's, Home Depot...)

1- 3/4" by 4' dowel (Lowe's, Home Depot...)

2- yards fabric (Hobby Lobby)

staple gun (Lowe's, Home Depot...)

acrylic paint (Hobby Lobby)

Tee-pees and tents are all the rage these days.  So cute, so fun and SO expensive! Why not DIY for a whole lot less.  This little tent cost under twenty bucks to make!  It makes a perfect little reading nook, private play area or a time out spot. 

Simply cut both 1" x 2" x 8' in half. This will give you four 48" 1"x 2" pieces of wood (which are now your tent legs). Drill centered pilot hole 42 inches from bottom of your tent legs. Cut dowel down to 42 inches. Drill centered pilot hole at each end of dowel.  Cross tent legs(leaving approx. 6 inches to spare at top). Insert 2" wood screw through two tent legs and one end of dowel.  Do same at other end.  Drape fabric centered at top and staple gun fabric to tent legs from top to bottom on all four tent legs.  There you have it! 

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