Saturday, January 4, 2014


I saw these floating around the internet and thought they would be the perfect addition to my daughter's room. So much you can do with decor, holiday decor (picture orange and black draped across the fireplace on Halloween) to home decor!  These sell anywhere from twenty to forty dollars a strand online. I figured it would be best just to make them!

Materials Needed:

Unfold 2-3 sheets of tissue. Fold completely in half.
 Fold again in half longways
Fold again longways
 Fold again longways for the last time! :)
Now you are going to cut your stands. Make sure you cut up towards the folds at top of the tissue. Not vice versa
Now carefully unfold
Unfold one more time
Now cut straight down the center. This will now give you two tassels
Roll tassel long ways trying your best not to crumple strands. After you have rolled, twist in the middle to keep your roll in place
Bend in half at the middle
Now twist the two ends together and hot glue in the middle
You now have your tassel! Now you string it and repeat!

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