Thursday, January 16, 2014



This is something that has been seen and done a million times before, but boy does it make life easier!  I started this when my first was three, the age where they start asking for a snack 24/7! I would have to stop everything to first agree on a snack she could have, then prepare it. After I started doing this, I would just send her to the refrigerator.  Everything in the bin is something I don't mind my kids snacking on, healthy and relatively healthy snacks. Bagged grapes, celery, carrots, rice cakes, apple sauce, raisins, yogurt, fruit strips, and crackers. I put the bin within my children's reach so they can easily pick out what they want.  It doesn't get refilled until every snack is gone! Easy peasy!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Top Knot 101
Here are four different Top Knots you can create using the same basic steps. I always start with dirty hair and dry shampoo.  It stays put longer and is easier to manipulate on top of head. I never get a top knot I like first try. It takes me about five tries to end up with one I like, so just keep at it! And remember, the bigger and messier the better!

Top Knot One
Top Knot Two
 Top Knot Three
 Top Knot 4

Supplies Needed
 Dry shampoo (Sauve is my absolute fave). Comb. Hair tie. Bobbi Pins.

Step 1- Gather hair on top of head and work into a pony tail in your hand
 Step 2-Compose a HALF ponytail. In other words, don't pull the hair all the way through. Just half way and secure hair tie
Step 3-Pull down on both ends to give your top knot more volume

Step 4-Now bring the hair that is hanging down in back around the front to hide your hair tie. Secure in back with bobbi pins. Try to hide pins within hair.

Finished look. 
 These steps just created Top Knot One. 

Stopping at step 2 will create Top Knot Two.  For Top Knot 2 and 4, it is a matter of twisting Step 2 and pinning with bobbi pins to create a knot you like.  There are really no directions to it.  

Monday, January 6, 2014

All this cold weather is making me want for lazy days on the beach. My favorite vacation spot in the world is Coronado Island, California. We go there every year. And then I spend the rest of the year longing to go back.

Saturday, January 4, 2014


I saw these floating around the internet and thought they would be the perfect addition to my daughter's room. So much you can do with decor, holiday decor (picture orange and black draped across the fireplace on Halloween) to home decor!  These sell anywhere from twenty to forty dollars a strand online. I figured it would be best just to make them!

Materials Needed:

Unfold 2-3 sheets of tissue. Fold completely in half.
 Fold again in half longways
Fold again longways
 Fold again longways for the last time! :)
Now you are going to cut your stands. Make sure you cut up towards the folds at top of the tissue. Not vice versa
Now carefully unfold
Unfold one more time
Now cut straight down the center. This will now give you two tassels
Roll tassel long ways trying your best not to crumple strands. After you have rolled, twist in the middle to keep your roll in place
Bend in half at the middle
Now twist the two ends together and hot glue in the middle
You now have your tassel! Now you string it and repeat!

Friday, January 3, 2014


HAIR! Your crowning glory! My favorite subject! 
As a hairstylist, I spent years working with pricey, quality salon products.  Great on the hair, not so great on the wallet.  Now that I am a stay-at-home mom, I've discovered homemade hair secrets that work just as well...maybe even better! 
Here they are...

This is my number one cannot live without hair product. This is in my opinion the best hair-clarifier out there.  Once a week mix 1/4 vinegar with equal parts water. Apply to wet hair. Shampoo and condition as usual.  

Especially great for blondes. I apply after shampooing and before conditioning for added shine.  The alcohol also has added benefits of cleansing and softening.  Downside is this can be drying and you may smell like you partied all night. 

Best deep conditioner around! I try to do this at least twice a week.  Apply generously to dry hair before bed. Sleep. Wash and dry as normal. I also lightly apply to ends after styling. It adds the perfect amount of smoothness and shine.

1 Banana
1 Avacodo
1 tsp Olive Oil
Another great one for shiny and soft hair.  You can throw this on your face as well! Blend all the ingrediants together and massage into hair from roots to end. Cover for 30 minutes. Shampoo and apply vinegar treatment above.  Condition and style as usual.  

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Rustic Skillet Apple Pie 

6 Apples of different assortments

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

3/4 granulated sugar

1/2 cup butter

1 cup packed brown sugar

1 package refrigerated pie crust

1 egg white

2 tablespoons granulated sugar

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Peel cut and toss apples with cinnamon and 3/4 granulated sugar.
Melt butter in a 10 inch cast iron skillet. Add brown sugar and stir rapidly until sugar is dissolved.  
Remove from heat and place pie crust over skillet mixture. Add apple mixture and remaining pie crust on top. Brush top of crust with egg white. Bake at 350 degrees at one hour until golden brown and bubbly.

This is no pretty, sissy fruit pie.  This is a rustic pie baked in an iron skillet with caramel gooey-ness top and bottom!  

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Materials Needed:

2- 1" x 2" x 8' wood (Lowe's, Home Depot...)

1- 3/4" by 4' dowel (Lowe's, Home Depot...)

2- yards fabric (Hobby Lobby)

staple gun (Lowe's, Home Depot...)

acrylic paint (Hobby Lobby)

Tee-pees and tents are all the rage these days.  So cute, so fun and SO expensive! Why not DIY for a whole lot less.  This little tent cost under twenty bucks to make!  It makes a perfect little reading nook, private play area or a time out spot. 

Simply cut both 1" x 2" x 8' in half. This will give you four 48" 1"x 2" pieces of wood (which are now your tent legs). Drill centered pilot hole 42 inches from bottom of your tent legs. Cut dowel down to 42 inches. Drill centered pilot hole at each end of dowel.  Cross tent legs(leaving approx. 6 inches to spare at top). Insert 2" wood screw through two tent legs and one end of dowel.  Do same at other end.  Drape fabric centered at top and staple gun fabric to tent legs from top to bottom on all four tent legs.  There you have it!