Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Top Knot 101
Here are four different Top Knots you can create using the same basic steps. I always start with dirty hair and dry shampoo.  It stays put longer and is easier to manipulate on top of head. I never get a top knot I like first try. It takes me about five tries to end up with one I like, so just keep at it! And remember, the bigger and messier the better!

Top Knot One
Top Knot Two
 Top Knot Three
 Top Knot 4

Supplies Needed
 Dry shampoo (Sauve is my absolute fave). Comb. Hair tie. Bobbi Pins.

Step 1- Gather hair on top of head and work into a pony tail in your hand
 Step 2-Compose a HALF ponytail. In other words, don't pull the hair all the way through. Just half way and secure hair tie
Step 3-Pull down on both ends to give your top knot more volume

Step 4-Now bring the hair that is hanging down in back around the front to hide your hair tie. Secure in back with bobbi pins. Try to hide pins within hair.

Finished look. 
 These steps just created Top Knot One. 

Stopping at step 2 will create Top Knot Two.  For Top Knot 2 and 4, it is a matter of twisting Step 2 and pinning with bobbi pins to create a knot you like.  There are really no directions to it.  


  1. You make it look so easy! Thanks for the tips, I am hair challenged, haha. Oh by the way, I use bloglovin' to follow all my favorite blogs, but I couldn't find you on there. Boo!

  2. I hope you find this easy! I know, I'm sorry. People have told me they can't follow me and I don't know what to do to enable it...I'll try to get it figured out. I appreciate you attempting to follow me though!
